Sunday, January 1, 2012

Where it begins...

This blog is to help me through the good days and the bad. Cayden was born a perfect little baby on March 29, 2009. He is our second child, and our first son. He was developing normally, maybe a little slower than our oldest, but everyone assured me that boys were slower than girls. Around a year old he was saying mama, dada, and baa for ball. Around 18 months he stopped talking and I noticed little quirky things about him that if I didn't put them all together they didn't seem out of place. After a few months of worrying, we decided to get him into speech therapy. A few months into that with little progress, I was talking with my mom one day, and the word Autism just came to me. I didn't even really know what that was, but decided to look into it. the odd thing was that I felt totally comfortable with that, and I just KNEW that is what my baby had. In June 2011, we met with a doctor, and Cayden was diagnosed with Autism. It has been a rough road, and many tears have been shed all around. I hope this blog can be an outlet for me, and also a help to others who may be going through a similar situation. Cayden is an awesome, extremely hard, loved little boy.


  1. What a darling little man you have. I am so glad you have started this blog. Our experiences are very different, but having a place to vent and express my joy about cancer has been extremely helpful. We will be following you and your guy.

  2. I love him, too. I love that you've started a blog specifically about autism. It's the rock in the pond that will send ripples out that will touch SO many lives. You're an amazing mom. I love you!

  3. You must have been inspired to have "autism" come to your mind. I think Cayden is an amazing little guy - and I think he's blessed to have you as a mom.

  4. So glad you're doing this! I'm looking forward to getting a glimpse into your day to day. You're doing great and he is a wonderful boy!
